

The global object.

  var root = this;

Expose Supermodel to the global object.

  var Supermodel = root.Supermodel = {};

Current version.

  Supermodel.VERSION = '0.0.4';

Local reference to Collection.

  var Collection = Backbone.Collection;

Use Backbone's extend for sugar.

  var extend = Backbone.Model.extend;


Track associations between models. Associated attributes are used and then removed during parse.

  var Association = function(model, options) {
    this.required(options, 'name');
    _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'name', 'where', 'source', 'store'));
    _.defaults(this, {
      store: '_' +

Store a reference to this association by name after ensuring it's unique.

    var ctor = model;
    do {
      if (!ctor.associations()[]) continue;
      throw new Error('Association already exists: ' +;
    } while (ctor = ctor.parent);
    model.associations()[] = this;

Listen for relevant events.

    if (this.initialize) model.all().on('initialize', this.initialize, this);
    if (this.change) model.all().on('change', this.change, this);
    if (this.parse) model.all().on('parse', this.parse, this);
    if (this.destroy) model.all().on('destroy', this.destroy, this);
    if (this.create) model.all().on('add', this.create, this);

  Association.extend = extend;

  _.extend(Association.prototype, {

Notify model of its association with other using the inverse option.

    associate: function(model, other) {
      if (!this.inverse) return;
      model.trigger('associate:' + this.inverse, model, other);

Notify model of its dissociation with other using the inverse option.

    dissociate: function(model, other) {
      if (!this.inverse) return;
      model.trigger('dissociate:' + this.inverse, model, other);

Throw if the specified options are not provided.

    required: function(options) {
      var option;
      for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        if (options[option = arguments[i]]) continue;
        throw new Error('Option required: ' + option);

Wrap a function in order to capture it's context, prepend it to the arguments and call it with the current context.

    andThis: function(func) {
      var context = this;
      return function() {
        return func.apply(context, [this].concat(_.toArray(arguments)));



One side of a one-to-one or one-to-many association.

  var One = Association.extend({

    constructor: function(model, options) {
      this.required(options, 'inverse', 'model');
      Association.apply(this, arguments);
      _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'inverse', 'model'));
      _.defaults(this, {
        id: + '_id'
        .on('associate:' +, this.replace, this)
        .on('dissociate:' +, this.remove, this);

Assign the getter/setter when a model is created.

    create: function(model) {
      model[] = _.bind(this.access, this, model);

Return or replace the associated model.

    access: function(model, other) {
      if (arguments.length < 2) return model[];
      this.replace(model, other);

Parse the models attributes. If source isn't found use the id attribute.

    initialize: function(model) {
      this.parse(model, model.attributes);
      var id = model.get(;
      if (id != null) this.replace(model, id);

If source is provided, use it to initialize the association after removing it from the response object.

    parse: function(model, resp) {
      if (!_.has(resp, this.source)) return;
      var attrs = resp[this.source];
      delete resp[this.source];
      this.replace(model, attrs);

Update the association when the id attribute changes.

    change: function(model) {
      if (!model.hasChanged( return;
      this.replace(model, model.get(;

Remove the current association.

    remove: function(model) {
      this.replace(model, null);

When a model is destroyed, its association should be removed.

    destroy: function(model) {
      var other = model[];
      if (!other) return;
      this.dissociate(other, model);

Replace the current association with other, taking care to remove the current association first.

    replace: function(model, other) {
      var id, current;

      if (!model) return;
      current = model[];

If other is a primitive, assume it's an id.

      if (other != null && !_.isObject(other)) {
        id = other;
        (other = {})[this.model.prototype.idAttribute] = id;

Is other already the current model?

      if (other && !(other instanceof Model)) other = this.model.create(other);
      if (current === other) return;

Tear down the current association.

      if (!other) model.unset(;
      if (current) {
        delete model[];
        this.dissociate(current, model);

      if (!other) return;

Set up the new association.

      model[] = other;
      this.associate(other, model);



The many side of a one-to-many association.

  var ManyToOne = Association.extend({

    constructor: function(model, options) {
      this.required(options, 'inverse', 'collection');
      Association.apply(this, arguments);
      _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'collection', 'inverse'));
        .on('associate:' +, this._associate, this)
        .on('dissociate:' +, this._dissociate, this);

When a model is created, instantiate the associated collection and assign it using store.

    create: function(model) {
      if (!model[]) model[] = _.bind(this.get, this, model);

Return the associated collection.

    get: function(model) {
      var collection = model[];
      if (collection) return collection;

Create the collection for storing the associated models. Listen for "add", "remove", and "reset" events and act accordingly.

      collection = model[] = new this.collection()
      .on('add', this.add, this)
      .on('remove', this.remove, this)
      .on('reset', this.reset, this);

We'll need to know what model "owns" this collection in order to handle events that it triggers.

      collection.owner = model;

      return collection;

Use the source property to reset the collection with the given models after removing it from the response object.

    parse: function(model, resp) {
      var attrs = resp[this.source];
      if (!attrs) return;
      delete resp[this.source];
      var collection = this.get(model);
      attrs = collection.parse(attrs);

If where is not specified, reset the collection and bail.

      if (!this.where) {

Reset the collection after filtering the models from attrs.

      collection.reset(_.filter(, function(attrs) {
        return new collection.model(attrs);
      }), this.where));

Parse the attributes to initialize a new model.

    initialize: function(model) {
      this.parse(model, model.attributes);

Models added to the collection should be associated with the owner.

    add: function(model, collection) {
      if (!model || !collection) return;
      this.associate(model, collection.owner);

Models removed from the collection should be dissociated from the owner.

    remove: function(model, collection) {
      if (!model || !collection) return;
      this.dissociate(model, collection.owner);

After a reset, all new models should be associated with the owner.

    reset: function(collection) {
      if (!collection) return;
      collection.each(function(model) {
        this.associate(model, collection.owner);
      }, this);

If the owner is destroyed, all models in the collection should be dissociated from it.

    destroy: function(model) {
      var collection;
      if (!model || !(collection = model[])) return;
      collection.each(function(other) {
        this.dissociate(other, model);
      }, this);

Associated models should be added to the collection.

    _associate: function(model, other) {
      if (!model || !other) return;
      if (this.where && !this.where(other)) return;

Dissociated models should be removed from the collection.

    _dissociate: function(model, other) {
      if (!model || !other || !model[]) return;



One side of a many-to-many association.

  var ManyToMany = Association.extend({

    constructor: function(model, options) {
      this.required(options, 'collection', 'through', 'source');
      Association.apply(this, arguments);
      _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'collection', 'through'));
      this._associate = this.andThis(this._associate);
      this._dissociate = this.andThis(this._dissociate);

When a new model is created, assign the getter.

    create: function(model) {
      if (!model[]) model[] = _.bind(this.get, this, model);

Lazy load the associated collection to avoid initialization costs.

    get: function(model) {
      var collection = model[];
      if (collection) return collection;

Create a new collection.

      collection = new this.collection();

We'll need to know what model "owns" this collection in order to handle events that it triggers.

      collection.owner = model;
      model[] = collection;

Initialize listeners and models.

        .on('add', this.add, this)
        .on('remove', this.remove, this)
        .on('reset', this.reset, this)
        .on('associate:' + this.source, this._associate)
        .on('dissociate:' + this.source, this._dissociate));

      return collection;

Add models to the collection when added to the through collection.

    add: function(model, through) {
      if (!model || !through || !(model = model[this.source]())) return;
      if (this.where && !this.where(model)) return;

Remove models from the collection when removed from the through collection after checking for other instances.

    remove: function(model, through) {
      if (!model || !through || !(model = model[this.source]())) return;
      var exists = through.any(function(o) {
        return o[this.source]() === model;
      }, this);
      if (!exists) through.owner[]().remove(model);

Reset when the through collection is reset.

    reset: function(through) {
      if (!through) return;
      var models = _.compact(_.uniq(_.invoke(through.models, this.source)));
      if (this.where) models = _.filter(models, this.where);

Add associated models.

    _associate: function(through, model, other) {
      if (!through || !model || !other) return;
      if (this.where && !this.where(other)) return;

Remove dissociated models, taking care to check for other instances.

    _dissociate: function(through, model, other) {
      if (!through || !model || !other) return;
      var exists = through.any(function(o) {
        return o[this.source]() === other;
      }, this);
      if (!exists) through.owner[]().remove(other);



Avoid naming collisions by providing one entry point for associations.

  var Has = function(model) {
    this.model = model;

  _.extend(Has.prototype, {


Create a one-to-one or one-to-many association.


  • inverse - (required) The name of the inverse association.
  • model - (required) The model constructor for the association.
  • id - The associated id is stored here. Defaults to name + '_id'.
  • source - The attribute where nested data is stored. Defaults to name.
  • store - The property to store the association in. Defaults to '_' + name.
    one: function(name, options) { = name;
      new One(this.model, options);
      return this;


Create a many-to-one or many-to-many association.


  • collection - (required) The collection constructor.
  • inverse - (required for many-to-one associations) The name of the inverse association.
  • through - (required for many-to-many associations) The name of the through association.
  • source - (required for many-to-many associations) The attribute where nested data is stored.
  • store - The property to store the association in. Defaults to '_' + name.
    many: function(name, options) { = name;
      var Association = options.through ? ManyToMany : ManyToOne;
      new Association(this.model, options);
      return this;



  var Model = Supermodel.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({

The attribute to store the cid in for lookup.

    cidAttribute: 'cid',

    initialize: function() {

Use "cid" for retrieving models by attributes.cid.

      this.set(this.cidAttribute, this.cid);

Add the model to all for each constructor in its prototype chain.

      var ctor = this.constructor;
      do { ctor.all().add(this); } while (ctor = ctor.parent);

Trigger 'initialize' for listening associations.

      this.trigger('initialize', this);

While "cid" is used for tracking models, it should not be persisted.

    toJSON: function() {
      var o = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments);
      delete o[this.cidAttribute];
      return o;

Associations are initialized/updated during parse. They listen for the 'parse' event and remove the appropriate properties after parsing.

    parse: function(resp) {
      this.trigger('parse', this, resp);
      return resp;

  }, {


Create a new model after checking for existence of a model with the same id.

    create: function(attrs, options) {
      var model;
      var all = this.all();
      var cid = attrs && attrs[this.prototype.cidAttribute];
      var id = attrs && attrs[this.prototype.idAttribute];

If attrs belongs to an existing model, return it.

      if (cid && (model = all.getByCid(cid)) && model.attributes === attrs) {
        return model;

If a model already exists for id, return it.

      if (id && (model = all.get(id))) {
        return model;

      if (!id) return new this(attrs, options);

Throw if a model already exists with the same id in a superclass.

      var ctor = this;
      do {
        if (!ctor.all().get(id)) continue;
        throw new Error('Model with id "' + id + '" already exists.');
      } while (ctor = ctor.parent);

      return new this(attrs, options);

Create associations for a model.

    has: function() {
      return new Has(this);

Return a collection of all models for a particular constructor.

    all: function() {
      return this._all || (this._all = new Collection());

Return a hash of all associations for a particular constructor.

    associations: function() {
      return this._associations || (this._associations = {});

Models and associations are tracked via all and associations, respectively. reset removes all model references to allow garbage collection.

    reset: function() {
      this._all = new Collection();
      this._associations = {};


}).call(this, Backbone);