
(function() {

Global object reference.

  var root = this;

Global export.

  var Quilt = root.Quilt = {};

Current library version.

  Quilt.VERSION = '0.0.1';

Find dashes in attribute names.

  var undasher = /-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig;

Camel case data attributes.

  var camel = function(match, letter) {
    return (letter + '').toUpperCase();


Attribute handlers should be specified in camel case. The arguments to each handler will be a DOM element and the value of the data attribute. The handler will be called with the parent view as context.

Quilt.attributes.exampleAttr = function(element, options) {
  // Called for elements with a "data-example-attr" attribute.
  Quilt.attributes = {};


Provide a structure for declaring functionality through data attributes.

  var View = Quilt.View = Backbone.View.extend({

    constructor: function(options) {
      this.views = [];
      if (options && options.template) this.template = options.template;
      Backbone.View.apply(this, arguments);

After executing the template function, search the view for relevant attributes, match them with handlers and execute them. If a handler returns a view, store it for clean up.

    render: function() {
      var elements, el, view, name, attrs, attr;

Destroy old views.

      while (view = this.views.pop()) if (view.destroy) view.destroy();

Render the template if it exists.

      if (this.template) {
          view: this,
          model: this.model,
          collection: this.collection

      elements = this.$('*').get();

Execute the handler for each element/attr pair.

      while (el = elements.pop()) {

        attrs = el.attributes;
        for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {

Bail unless we have a data attribute.

          if ((name = attrs[i].name).indexOf('data-') !== 0) continue;

Camel case and strip "data-".

          name = name.replace(/^data-/, '').replace(undasher, camel);

Bail on non-quilt attributes.

          if (!(attr = Quilt.attributes[name])) continue;

Execute the handler.

          view = attr.call(this, el, $(el).data(name));

Render the view if appropriate.

          if (view instanceof View) this.views.push(view.render());

      return this;

Destroy child views and ensure that references to this view are eliminated to prevent memory leaks.

    destroy: function() {

Remove DOM listeners.


Destroy child views.

      _.invoke(this.views, 'destroy');

Clean up event handlers.

      if (this.model) this.model.off(null, null, this);
      if (this.collection) this.collection.off(null, null, this);

      return this;

